Friday, 8 March 2013

Are Kate Middleton's Leaked Pregnancy Pictures Acceptable?

Celebrity privacy has always been a controversial topic in itself. Some say that if you choose to become a celebrity then you are choosing to share all aspects of your life to the world. On the other hand, some say that everyone is entitled to privacy despite being a celebrity. The ‘real world’ and the ‘celebrity world’ seem to have different views when it comes to this topic and even though we are all humans, the right to invade someone’s privacy seems to be less concerning when it comes to famous people.

The private lives of celebrities are spread all over the media whether consent is given or not. It is part of the entertainment, especially when that certain celebrity has done something negative and did not want the public to know about it. To regular people, not only is it entertaining but arguably it makes celebrities more relatable. It separates them from being the picture perfect individual they are made out to be to a human who makes mistakes. The invasion is also enjoyed when that particular celebrity is not necessarily liked therefore when they are exposed; it is favoured by a lot of the public.
Deciding whether it is right or wrong is down to the individual and their views on privacy. Most recent pictures of Kate Middleton’s baby bump being exposed whilst on holiday with Prince William surfaced. She was wearing a bikini, exposing her stomach. They were vacationing on the island of Mustique in the Caribbean where pictures were snapped of the royal couple. It was on a private island meaning that the couple did not want their pictures to be taken. The violation of their privacy sparked many views on whether it was right to publish in the Italian magazine, Chi.

This is the second time pictures of Kate have been published unknowingly which disappointed the couple last year as topless pictures of her were shown. Some may argue that if you are putting yourself out there and you are of a high status, then of course things like this would happen. The infuriated couple couldn’t be too surprised surely even if it was on a private island especially on the second occasion. St. James Palace released a statement Tuesday, saying they were “disappointed” over the pictures, which they called “a clear breach of the couple’s right to privacy.” This story can be linked to Princess Diana’s leaked pictures on a remote island of her also in a bikini in February 1982. Although it could just be a mere coincidence, there are a few similarities such as them both being married into royalty, both in bikinis whilst pregnant on private islands and both happening in February. Princess Diana’s pictures caused such a stir in the media as the Queen described it as "the blackest day in the history of British journalism." Therefore the magazine who leaked pictures of Kate must have known the damage it would cause even though they tried to defend it as harmless. Chi editor Alfonso Signorini insisted that "the not harm the image of the protagonists and the reaction of the media seems to me wholly over the top."He added, "The photographs can hardly be considered an invasion of privacy when the subjects are public figures in a public place, in the open air; specifically on a beach surrounded by other bathers."

So is it bad because everyone is entitled to privacy or is it acceptable because they are in the public eye therefore are immediately liable to privacy invasion?

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